Saturday, July 14, 2007

Day 7: The Last Stickers on the Map

After opting not to see the Grand Canyon (probable thunderstorms and young kids who most likely won't remember the awesome scenes), we arrived in the LA area a day earlier than scheduled. Our USA map now has a completed path of stickers from Boston to LA and will be prominently displayed in the kids' new bedroom.

After seven days on the road, our last day of travel was marked with hilly desert terrain and super hot temperatures that got as high as 103, 104, 105, and then 108 and eventually topping out at 119! When we reached the LA county line, the temps dropped to the high 90's. And the freeways widened to 6 and sometimes 7 lanes. In each direction. Thank goodness we were headed west on the 15 because it was packed bumper-to-bumper on the eastbound side. Yup, we didn't need a map to tell us we were in LA.

Even though we are in LA, our journey technically isn't quite over. Tomorrow we will drive the last 35 miles to Redondo Beach where our apartment (and 129 moving boxes) are waiting for us. It was an emotionally significant ride for us as we drove into San Gabriel where Air Boss's parents live. His parents and sisters (and our niece and nephew) were expecting us and it was - for me - a bittersweet arrival. Seeing the Black Hawk with its Massachusetts plate parked on the driveway among California plated cars, I realized that this was it. I was here and my extended family and friends and everything familiar to me were more than 3,000 miles away. Despite these sad sentimental feelings, I am happy to be here and excited to see what this new phase will bring.

Looking back, I realize that ‘Shroom and Lolli have been spectacular on this long road-trip. We never once cracked open the laptop in the car for them to watch DVD’s. They were extremely content listening to “The Sound of Music” soundtrack and looking for Volkswagon Beetles. At one point in the trip, ‘Shroom had asked if he could listen to “Do Re Mi” and I told him to wait a bit (shh!) as Daddy was on the phone (trying to schedule cable & internet installation). “Why don’t you sing it yourself,” I had suggested to him. Quite obligingly, I heard him singing – in a whisper. All during the whole week, they didn’t once complain about how long the ride was or put up a fuss about getting back in the car every time we stopped for a pee break. They were great but perhaps what really helped them was . . .

My dear friend (and expert traveler with four kids of her own) Laurie prepared a special bag of gifts for the kids. Each day, ‘Shroom and Lolli picked and opened a present (blue for ‘Shroom and pink for Lolli) that contained a surprise that provided much entertainment. In addition to their own gift, they also got to unwrap a gift for the both of them to share. They were thrilled with the surprises and many times I had used the gifts to cajole them into good behavior (hey, whatever works, right?). The first thing ‘Shroom did this morning after he woke up was bang on the bathroom door (where I was quietly stationed at the time) and exclaimed, “I want my present now!” Okay – so they weren’t exactly angels the whole time but still . . . I can’t complain.

We’re excited to see our new place that has been waiting for us for a month now. We already have a long list of things to buy (toilet paper for one!) and perhaps an equally long list of things to do (like register the Black Hawk so we can get CA driver’s licenses so we can register ‘Shroom for school so that he can be assessed for the special services he’s been receiving for the past three years). It’s funny how so many things are tied into each other. We are still trying to expedite the installation of cable and internet services but for now, we will be without connection for a week. I hope I can somehow still blog during this “down period” even if it means spending some time at the local Starbucks.

Omigee made the trip and is, like us, a California resident! He is none the worse for wear but maybe a little bit skinnier and has one less part of his tail (explanation to follow). As we gathered by the Black Hawk to take a family photo with Air Boss’s extended family, Omigee was proudly held by Air Boss himself. As one of you had said, he’s a miracle fish. What’s the first thing I’m going to do once we reach our new place tomorrow? Set up Omigee’s tank and feed him! Perhaps he’ll one day forgive us for dragging him unwillingly on this trip (and forgive me for accidentally ripping off a piece of his tail this morning as I tried to scoop him back into his travel container).

Although this part of the story may be wrapping up, this blog is nowhere being done. As long as there is a story to tell, I will blog. And as my sister always said about me, “to make a long story longer . . . “ =)


CR said...

welcome to LA! (I speak as if I live there still), but having grown up there, I feel the right/obligation to say that. And you'll only be a few miles from where I spent my formative years. We hope to see you guys every time we visit LA!

Unknown said...

Congratulations guys, you did it! I am honestly amazed about your trip with young kids. Wow.
We miss you guys! And of course, we are thinking of you as you are moving into your new home!!! :)

So Cal Peeper said...

You guys are braver than I. Redondo is a nice place - Torrance here. But the best asian restaurants are in Torrance and Gardena. If you want to know where, email me.

Good luck at your new digs.