Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Things I've Done So Far...

1. Unpacked the kids' toys (finally) and thus ended the two month separation between kids and toys.

2. Left with a whole lotta stuff (including super long receipts) from IKEA, Bed Bath & Beyond, Home Depot, Staples, Costco, and Target. (cha-ching, cha-ching!)

3. About to dump my new BFF, Garmin, for sending me to a decommissioned Target AND a decommissioned Home Depot.

4. Said a naughty word when the Brita dispenser fell to the floor and cracked beyond use.

5. Caught 'Shroom as he fell down the stairs (perhaps I didn't do such a good job as he fell down 13 out of the 15 steps and has red rug burns on his face).

6. Flattened and rolled up about two gagillion sheets of packing paper (okay, so I'm exaggerating a little bit - maybe more like one gagillion)

7. Learned how to live without internet access for more than an hour (it's been almost a week now!) and also without TV (ahh, I guess I can always unpack so more . . . )

8. Woken up every morning in Redondo Beach to the sound of what must be at least a dozen dogs barking next door (it's probably only two or three dogs but they sure sound like lot!).

9. Nearly pass out with shock at the super high prices at the local Howes Market (which I found out is a grocery store and not a home improvement store) . . . yep, I paid almost $5 for ONE GALLON of milk which partially resulted in . . .

10. Weaned 'Shroom and Lolli from cow milk to soy milk (Lolli is still resolutely resisting the change over).

And the one thing I have NOT done so far . . .

. . . gone to the beach


cwc said...

I almost always wake up Boochie on my chest when I read your should put a humor advisory at the top :)
We hope you guys are settling in well!

West By East: said...

Thanks for the comment Cliff and thanks to Boochie for giving you reason to be up at all odd hours (and reading my blog to pass the time away)! Hope you all get good rest really soon.

Unknown said...

Welcome to the west coast! Hope you settle in soon. Hope to catch up with you too! : )