Friday, September 7, 2007

"Bye Bye Lolli"

Have a good day!
Originally uploaded by radioflyer007
After three months of uninterrupted and undivided interactive play with sister Lolli, 'Shroom said good-bye and attended his first day of kindergarten.

Since school starts at 8 AM, I knew I was going to have a tough time getting the kids up in the morning. I did not expect tears from 'Shroom or seemingly lifeless body-flopping (on the floor) from Lolli. Okay, maybe Lolli's "I'm-too-tired-to-get-up-so-I'll-throw-myself-on-the-floor-in-a-lifeless-heap" was consistent with her dramatic nature but still, getting the kids ready to leave the house was like pulling teeth. The nightmarish sleep didn't help, I'm sure.

The school isn't new but it is to us! All of us along with Air Boss and his camera walked down our driveway and directly across the street to the parent drop-off parking lot (how's that for a long walk to school?) and were immediately joined by scores of parents and their young students. All summer long, the streets were quiet and now there was nothing but excited chatter from students and parents alike. Although there were tons of wheelie backpacks, 'Shroom went to school without backpack or a lunch bag. Apparently kindergarteners are prohibitted from bringing backpacks of any sort to school (health/back issues?) and are instead provided with a large laminated envelope for homework assignments and notices.

As we approached the kindergarten wing, we saw 'Shroom's peers with their camera-toting parents. It was great to see the excitement in 'Shroom's face as we made our way into the classroom. Miss P barely looked a day beyond grad school but she was full of smiles and warm hello's.

The school bell rang (we discovered that we are so close to the school that we can hear the bell ringing from our house throughout the school day) and we hugged and said good-bye.

Later that day when 'Shroom was home and eating lunch (he gets out at 11:30 AM), I learned that he had made a flying submarine with Legos (because he couldn't cook - only three kids were allowed in the kitchen), he had crackers, grapes, a muffin and milk for snack (I swear, I did feed him breakfast before we left!), the girls and boys got into separate lines to see which gender had more (more girls), and he had told his teacher that she looked like a dog. Yikes! We'll have to see if we're invited back to school!

[Incidentally, Miss P does NOT look like a dog. 'Shroom has just recently been in a dog phase which includes carrying around the house a little stuffed dog under his arm.]

So . . . the little guy survived and loved it. We'll have to see how it goes from here and now I must wake him up. Wish me luck!


BettyH said...

Glad to hear Travis had a good first day - and so did you. We were the bad parents and forgot to bring the camera - unless you count the hazy picture I took on the cell phone.
We had our first parent conference the other night where we were informed about things like homework, the school curriculum, appropriate footwear and more "donations" needed. I checked with our teacher and she has no personal objections to the wheeled backpacks, so Abby gets to take the Princess backpack to school today - to bring home all her homework. I wonder if I'll be able to handle Kindergarten as well as the kids....

Unknown said...

homework in kindergarten??! no wonder why it's so hard to get up in the morning! cute pix :)