Monday, September 10, 2007

What I've Learned in School

Okay, so I'm not the one technically in school but I am learning things I had never expected to learn by sending 'Shroom to school. Things such as:

- the no backpack thing for kindergarteners

- no open-toe or open heel shoes (this includes Crocs and sandals) and NO BOOTS! (well, what do Southern Californians know about boots?)

- jogging every week by running laps during school (as far as I know, 'Shroom didn't sign up for track but I guess this could be a standard California P.E. requirement); 'Shroom will get a mark on his hand for every lap he runs - I'll have to report back how many marks he gets

- supplying an earthquake kit for each child in school; let's just say I've made my first earthquake kit EVER in my life (in case you're wondering what goes into an earthquake kit, feel free to check out "quakekare[dot]com")

- periodic fire and earthquake drills (apparently standing underneath doorways during a quake is no longer considered safe - see? even this old dog can learn new tricks!)

- homework in kindergarten which will start shortly- somehow I don't recall doing homework when I was 4 or 5

Today 'Shroom came home from school saying that he didn't like kindergarten. Then he started crying. Oh boy - I haven't even told him about the homework and running laps yet . . .


cwc said...

So "ke lian"... (do you know Mandarin?)

West By East: said...

unfortunately no. You'll have to translate for me! How's AL and kids? Hope everyone is doing well!