Thursday, January 6, 2011

2011 Goals (not to be confused with resolutions)

Perhaps this is the first time in about five years that I'm actually being deliberate about noting what I want to happen in my 2011. The five year abstinence from creating a list has been my fear of "yet another year of failed resolutions."

Well, I'm "fixing" that problem by naming my list of endeavors as [drum roll, please...] My 2011 Goals. How's that for being totally new and innovative?!

Anyway, I'll be compiling my list in these next few days but I've already started by thinking of categories in which to clump my goals. Another attempt to compartmentalize/organize/list-ize my life.

I'm hoping to have no more than 5 (but at least 3 to keep things somewhat even and balanced) goals in each category but we'll see what I actually come up with. I've even thought up abbreviations to keep things simple and coded - and yes, I have heard the term "anal retentive" before.

1. Personal Enrichment (PE) - this would include all things fun and not-so-fun; things included in this category would be my reading list(s), fitness goals, maybe even a total "non-me" thing to do in 2011

2. Family Life - Children (FL-C) - this category would list things I would strive to do with my kids; the "C" is there so as not to confuse it with...

3. Family Life - Marriage (FL-M) - I'm sure Air Boss would like to chime in a few suggestions for my 2011 goals in this area but this is MY list

4. Ministry & Relationships (MR) - I've heard countless times that the most important thing in life is one's relationships; well, I'm horrible at keeping in touch with friends and family so here's a category specifically for developing my relationships and learning to show lots of love to others

5. Professional Development (PD) - since I don't have a career or job as of date, everything in this category is essentially free-for-all; maybe the first goal would be to "discover myself as a professional"

6. Finance & Household (FH) - perhaps the one easily-identifiable goal in this arena would be "try to spend less than what I make" - that would put a halt to my spending for sure!

Anyway, stay tuned as I'll be posting my goals in each of these categories. Nothing like having the world wide web hold me accountable.


lauriewalle said...

I'm with you on #4. Let's schedule a time to catch up on the phone! Name the day/time!

West By East: said...

Definitely Laurie! I'll email you with some dates and possible times. Can't wait to catch up!