Friday, January 4, 2008

Plastic Surgery at Age 3?

Well, Lolli's laceration isn't healing so well. We've just returned from a trip to her pediatrician and the doctor is not at all pleased with what she saw.

"It does not look good at all," I had heard her mutter to her staff assistant as she stepped out of the examination room Lolli and I were in.

Not something a parent appreciates hearing from their child's doctor.

So, Lolli has an infection. The Durabond ("human super glue" as Air Boss calls it) was puffing out as some excess fluid seemed to be collecting at the cut. Her right eyelid was beginning to look a little blueish and drooping a bit due to some slight swelling. The glue was not smooth nor was the cut flat and flush with the skin.

What should have been a quick 15 minute appointment turned into a whole morning affair. We were lucking to get squeezed into to see a plastic surgeon in the same medical facility. Although Dr. Plastic agreed the cut was infected, he didn't think that there was anything that could be done at the moment. Lolli would need to take her antibiotics to reduce the infection.

"We'll wait and see how it heals first," Dr. Plastic said, "if it looks like there's going to be a substantial scar, we can see if we need to cut it open again and suture it properly."

I looked around the surgeon's office and saw lots of mounded bags of fluid. Some big and some smaller. Some with clear fluid. Some with cloudy fluid. Round squishy looking pouches. Tons of them. They almost looked like breast implants. Oh - duh. I now remember I live in L.A. where the capital city is Botox and flanked by Collagen Campus and Silicon Valley (and I'm not talking about semiconductor devices).

So - the verdict isn't in on the need for plastic surgery but I--we--felt vastly out of place. We thanked Dr. Plastic for his time and we left with Lolli clutching her pink lollipop curtesy of the pediatrician (I'd hate to see what the "giveaways" would be from Dr. Plastic's office).

I'm so glad Lolli didn't seem to have noticed the "liquid pouches" in the room. Anyway, we're back home and with regards to her eye, I'll be sure to keep an eye on things (pun intended).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dee in the land of plastic (L.A.)... you are so funny the way you write the story but I imagine the scare! Get well soon Lolli!