Saturday, June 30, 2007

The end of the ZiPPy era

Originally uploaded by DoughMama
Today I said goodbye to my first new car purchase. My 1997 Honda Accord (nicknamed "ZiPPy" for the three letters on the license plate) was driven away by a nice couple who purchased it off of Craigslist. It was a sad moment for me - perhaps even sadder than when I walked out of our Green House.

I had to sign the title with my maiden name. I almost botched up the signature since it's been so long since I had last done that. To make matters even worse, on the Bill of Sale that I had prepared for the transaction, I had noted the wrong Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). It was completely wrong. Like a 1987 Toyota Camry wrong. Good thing the buyer was more attentive to these "details" than I was.

So, now we are a one car family. We'll see how long we can manage with one car (our mini-van nicknamed "Blackhawk") in LA.

Well, so long ZiPPy. You were a great car.

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