These past few days have been busy with selling things off - to friends and family (through a website), through our Saturday yard sale, and through the Craigslist community. For a period of time, the house was in utter chaos as we pulled things out of closets and the deep recesses of the house and lined them up the front stairwell - readying them for public display on our front lawn.
The website has generated a bit of interest and more than half the items have already been claimed. Now, we're waiting for people to come pick up their goods. The latest one was the carpet in the kids' room.
While 'Shroom was in preschool, Lolli and I flipped the carpet and pad over and rolled it into a long hot dog. Lolli "helped" lift the five foot long hot dog as I secured it the roll with packaging tape. Together we hauled it close to the front door for pick-up and as we laid it down, Lolli was waving at the carpet.
"Bye bye carpet!" she said as she waved. "You're going next door [our neighbor had purchased it] and we're going to LA. Bye bye!"
I have been so amazed by both 'Shroom and Lolli. These past several days (more like this past year), they have been watching item after countless item get washed, cleaned, sorted, stowed, and marched out the front door. Last week they helped me sort through their toys into to "keep" and "give away" bins and the "give away" bin quickly overflowed into another bin.
During our yard sale, another neighbor had purchased Lolli's trike and 'Shroom's bicycle. It didn't become an issue until the little boy across the street started riding 'Shroom's bicycle up and down our driveway. 'Shroom definitely had a puzzled expression on his face as I'm sure he was thinking, "I don't remember him asking me if he could ride my bike." Lolli, always the more verbal one, however, did have something to say when she saw the younger brother ride off our driveway on her trike.
"That's my tricycle!" she exclaimed.
But that's all she said. I had explained to her that we can't take everything we have to LA (a well-repeated mantra that both kids have heard ad nauseum). And then she was fine. Didn't ask about it or mention it again.
I know that attachment disorder is linked to bonding issues with parents but I wonder if 'Shroom and Lolli will develop it as a result of having to say good-bye to so many things familiar and dear to them.
Well, at the very least, I hope it helps them not to be too materialistic. =)
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